Lyrics of
Geek Eye For The Jock Guy

Scod: All right.
One, two, you know what to do!
Tripod: Just listen to a geek and,
You can turn your life around.
We're your shining beacon,
You can seek us out before you run aground.
Throw your Gatorade away, my sporty friend.
Pizza boxes are the order of the day.
It's \"Geek Eye for the Jock Guy\".
Gatesy: Welcome back to \"Geek Eye for the Jock Guy\". Last week,
we showed Max, the star ??? for covert pistons, how to
Tripod: It's \"Geek Eye for the Jock Guy\".
Yon: Ah, quantum theory's my speciality. Oh, I also have a doctorate in
Tripod: It's \"Geek Eye for the Jock Guy\".
Gatesy: Let's meet our jock for the week. Davin. He's a goal keeper for the rugby.
Y & S: This week is a challenge,
For our rag-tag fleet of nerds.
Did you just spot that that's a quote,
From Battlestar Galactica?
Scod: Did you spot the reference, Davin?
Gatesy: (Tearfully) Just listen to a geek and,
You can turn your life around.
Gatesy: I can't believe this.
Gatesy: We're your shining beacon,
You can seek us out before you run aground.
Scod: You've done your family proud, mate.
Gatesy: (Sobbing) Throw your Gatorade my friend
Pizza boxes are the I can't go on!.
Gatesy: (Dissolves into sobbing)
Y & S: It's \"Geek Eye for the Jock Guy\"
Gatesy: (Sobbing) Bastards