Lyrics of
Clown Shoes

The girl that I intend to wed, just bought
a gift for me and said "I bought this specially,
for all your friends to see open it up, go ahead."
"Awww, that's awful swell," I said.
I kissed her on the cheek and then, began to read
the note within.
"In these you'll look real smart, because they match
your heart" and so I took them out.
Clown shoes, so, what's it all about?
Oh, no, not clown shoes!
Maaaaaybe, I'm in for some mighty bad news.
She laughed at me and called my name, and all my friends,
they did the same.
Thought she was sweet and swell and look how hard I fell.
And now I know I was wrong so, I'll go and put my clown
shoes on.
so, I'll go and put my clown shoes on.
so, I'll go and put my clown shoes on (Fade.)
A sixties smash from Kraziekhat.