Key: C
Introduction: C G Am G F C F Am Em Am G
Am F C
Fareweel tae a' oor Scottish fame
Dm AmEm
Fareweel oor ancient glory
Am F C
Fareweel e'en tae oor Scottish name
Dm AmEm
Sae famed in the martial story
Am C
Noo Sark runs o'er the Solway Sands
Am Dm Am F
And Tweed runs tae the ocean
C G Am G F C F
Tae mark where England's province stands
C Dm F Am Em Am G
Such a parcel of rogues in a nation
Am F C
What force or guile could ne'er subdue
Dm AmEm
Through many warlike ages__
Am F C
Is wrought now by a coward few
Dm AmEm
For hireling traitors wages
Am C
The English steel we could disdain
Am Dm Am F
Secure in our valour's station
C G Am G F C F
But English gold has been oor bane
C Dm F Am Em Am G
Such a parcel of rogues in a nation
Am F C
Oh, would or I had seen the day
Dm Am Em
That treason thus could fell us
Am F C
My auld grey heid had lain in clay
Dm AmEm
Wi' Bruce and loyal Wallace
Am C
But pith and power, till my last hour
Am Dm Am F
I'll mak' this declaration
C G Am G F C F
We are bought and sold for English gold
C Dm F Am
Such a parcel of rogues in a nation
Em Am G C G Am G F C F