Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace is a hymn written by English poet John Newton and published in 1779. It is one of the most recognizable songs in the English-speaking world. The songs message discusses redemption and forgiveness received through the grace of God, a personal experience for Newton who worked as a slave trader before becoming a Christian. Newton wrote the words as an illustration of his own conversion to Christianity, and the melody associated with it ... was added about 70 years after his death. See more [+]

Key: G

Introduction: G    D/G    G    D/G    

G                        C9        G  
 Amazing grace how sweet the sound
      G                          D  
 That saved a wretch like me
  G                         C9     G  
 I once was lost, but now I' m found
     G             D        G  
 Was blind but now I see

        G                            C9      G  
 &rsquo Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
     G                     D  
 And grace my fears relieved 
     G            G/B         C9    G  
 How precious did that grace appear,
     G         D          G          C9  G  
 The hour I first believed!
                  C9                     G  
 My chains are gone, I' ve been set free.
              C9                      G  
 My God, My Saviour has ransomed me.
              C9                G/B  
 And like a flood his mercy reigns.
             Am7     D          G        D/G  G  D/G  
 Un-ending love, amazing grace

     G                        C9     G  
 The Lord has promised good to me,
     G                     D  
 His word my hope secures 
    G          G/B            C9     G  
 He will my shield and portion be,
              D         G        C9  G  
 As long as life endures.
                  C9                     G  
 My chains are gone, I' ve been set free.
              C9                      G  
 My God, My Saviour has ransomed me.
              C9                G/B  
 And like a flood his mercy reigns.
             Am7    D            G  
 Un-ending love, amazing grace
                  C9                     G  
 My chains are gone, I' ve been set free.
              C9                      G  
 My God, My Saviour has ransomed me.
              C9                G/B  
 And like a flood his mercy reigns.
             Am7    D            G  
 Un-ending love, amazing grace

     G                         C9         G  
 The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
     G                    D  
 The sun forbear to shine 
     G                         C9    G  
 But God, who called me here below,
     G         D      G        C9  G  
 Will be forever mine.
     G         D      G        C9  G  
(Will be forever mine)
     G         D      G  
(You are forever mine)