Letra de
Your Mother Should Know

A música Your Mother Should Know foi composta por Paul McCartney (creditada à Lennon-McCartney) e é uma homenagem aos espetáculos de music hall que McCartney frequentava com sua família. A ideia de McCartney era criar uma canção que pudesse ser apreciada tanto por crianças quanto por adultos, evocando nostalgia e união familiar através da música.

Let's all get up and dance to a song
That was a hit before your mother was born.
Though she was born a long long time ago, your mother should know
Your mother should know.
Sing it again.

Let's all get up and dance to a song
That was a hit before your mother was born
Though she was born a long long time ago, your mother should know
Your mother should know.

Lift up your hearts and sing me a song
That was a hit before your mother was born
Though she was born a long long time ago, your mother should know
Your mother should know. Your mother should know
Your mother should know.

Sing it again.

Da, da, da-da, da, da, da, da-da, da-da da
Da, da, da, da! Da-da, da da!
Though she was born a long long time ago, your mother should know
Your mother should know.

Your mother should know, your mother should know!
Your mother should know, your mother should know!