Letra de
Who Wants To Live Forever

A música Who Wants to Live Forever foi escrita por Brian May, guitarrista da banda Queen, para a trilha sonora do filme Highlander de 1986. A letra fala sobre a imortalidade e o amor eterno, inspirado pelas cenas do filme em que o personagem principal perde seu amor mortal. May compôs a canção após assistir ao filme, sendo tocado pelas temáticas de amor e perda.

There's no time for us
There's no place for us
What is this thing that builds our dreams
Yet slips away from us?

Who wants to live forever?
Who wants to live forever?

There's no chance for us
It's all decided for us
This world has only one sweet moment
Set aside for us

Who wants to live forever?
Who wants to live forever?

Who dares to love forever
Oh, when love must die?

But touch my tears with your lips
Touch my world with your fingertips
And we can have forever
And we can love forever
Forever is our today

Who wants to live forever
Who wants to live forever
Forever is our today
Who waits forever any way