Letra de
Weather With You

A música Weather With You foi criada pela banda Crowded House, liderada pelos irmãos Finn. A letra fala sobre carregar seu próprio clima, ou atitude, onde quer que você vá, refletindo a ideia de que você tem controle sobre como vê o mundo, independentemente das circunstâncias externas.

Walking 'round the room singing stormy weather,
at Fifty-Seven Mount Pleasant Street.
Well,it's the same room but everything's different,
you can fight the sleep but not the dream.

Things ain't cookin' in my kitchen, strange aff-liction wash over me.
Julius Caesar and the Roman Empire,
couldn't conquer the blue sk - y.

Well, there's a small boat made of china,
it’s going nowhere on the mantle-piece.
Well, do I lie like a loungeroom lizard,
or do I sing like a bird re-leased.

Everywhere you go, always take the weather with you,
everywhere you go, always take the weather.
Everywhere you go, always take the weather with you,
everywhere you go, always take the weather,
the weather with you.
Everywhere you go, you always take the weather with you,
everywhere you go, you always take the weather.
Everywhere you go, always take the weather with you
everywhere you go, always take the weather,
you take the weather, the weather with you.

Everywhere you go, you always take the weather with you,
everywhere you go, you always take the weather.
Everywhere you go, always take the weather with you,
everywhere you go, always take the weather,
you take the weather, the weather with you.
DAIRYBEAT (André H. Hofman, Purmerend, The Netherlands).