Bb: xx876x
A: xx765x
Now you can do the wooly bully
But can you pull the wooly wooly
Can you wag can you wag the dog
You got the shimmy and the hustle
Cos' you can do the wooly bully
But can you pull the wooly wooly
Can you wag can you wag the dog
So make him sit make him stay
Come to heel go play
Wag that dog baby
Now you can do the wooly bully
But can you pull the wooly wooly
Mmm wag the dog!
Now go bow bow wow wow
Now go woof woof woof woof
Yeh that's right wag the dog
The locomotion boogaloo
All along the sound you can hear a rythm guitar played by Richard
On the studio version, solos are played with a wah pedal, probably a Vox.