Letra de
Up Around The Bend

A música Up Around The Bend foi escrita por John Fogerty e é um dos singles mais conhecidos da banda Creedence Clearwater Revival. Lançada em 1970, a música reflete a atmosfera otimista e a sensação de mudança que caracterizaram o final dos anos 60 e início dos 70 nos Estados Unidos. A letra sugere um convite para deixar os problemas para trás e partir para novos horizontes, simbolizados pela curva na estrada.

There's a place up ahead and I'm goin'
just as fast as my feet can fly.
Come away, come away if you're goin',
leave the sinkin' ship behind.

C'mon the risin' wind,
we're goin' up around the bend. Whoooh.

Bring a song and a smile for the banjo,
better get while the gettin's good.
Hitch a ride to the end of the highway
where the neons turn to wood.

C'mon the risin' wind,
we're goin' up around the bend.

You can ponder perpetual motion,
fix your mind for a crystal day.
Always time for a good conversation,
there's an ear for what you say.

C'mon the risin' wind,
we're goin' up around the bend.

Catch a ride to the end of the highway
and we'll meet by the big red tree.
There's a place up ahead and I'm goin',
come along, come along with me.

C'mon the risin' wind,
we're goin' up around the bend.

(fade out)