Letra de
Under My Thumb

A música Under My Thumb, composta por Mick Jagger e Keith Richards, é uma das mais conhecidas da banda The Rolling Stones. A letra mostra uma dinâmica de poder onde o narrador sente que agora tem controle sobre uma mulher que anteriormente o controlava. A canção foi criticada por seus temas machistas. Gravada pela primeira vez em 1966, ela reflete a cultura e atitudes da época.

Under my thumb's
The girl
Who once had me down
Under my thumb's
The girl
Who once pushed me around

It's down to me
The difference in the clothes she wears
It's down to me
The change has come
She's under my thumb
(Ain't it the truth babe)

Under my thumb's
A squirming dog
Who just had her day
Under my thumb's
Who has just changed her ways

It's down to me (yes it is)
The way she does just what she's told
Down to me
The change has come
She's under my thumb
(It's all right)

Under my thumb's
A siamese
Cat of a girl
Under my thumb
She's the sweetest pet
In the world

It's down to me
The way she talks
When she's spoken to
Down to me
The change has come
She's under my thumb
(Take it easy babe)

It's down to me
The way she talks
When she's spoken to
Down to me
The change has come
She's under my thumb
(It's all right)

Under my thumb
Her eyes
Are just kept to herself
Under my thumb
Well, I -- I can still look
At someone else

It's down to me
The way she talks
When she's spoken to
Down to me
The change has come
She's under my thumb