Letra de
Throw Your Arms Around Me

A música foi escrita por Mark Seymour, inspirada por sua futura esposa, quando ele a viu pela primeira vez em uma estação de trem. O tema da música gira em torno da intimidade, amor e a conexão humana, refletindo o desejo de Seymour de proteger e se conectar com sua amada.

I will come for you at night time
I will raise you from your sleep
I will kiss you in four places
As I go running along your street
I will squeeze the life out of you
You will make me laugh and make me cry
We will never forget it
You will make me call your name and I'll shout it to the blue summer

We may never meet again
So shed your skin and lets get started
You will throw your arms around me

I dreamed of you at night time
And I watched you in your sleep
I met you in high places
I touched your head and touched your feet
So if you disappear out of view
You know, I will never say goodbye
Though I try to forget it
You will make me call your name and I'll shout it to the blue summer

We may never meet again
So shed your skin and lets get started
You will throw your arms around me
In 2012, Mark Seymour started singing an alternate second verse, as follows:
Oh, whatever world you come from
Yeah, whatever tongue you speak
Well you can ride on my bus any time
I’ll stand by you in defeat
Yeah, for all we know and all we feel
For the naked truth will never die
We may speak a thousand languages
But you will make me call your name and I'll shout it to the blue summer