Letra de
There She Goes

A música There She Goes do The Las é frequentemente interpretada como uma canção de amor simples, mas também foi sugerido que as letras referem-se ao uso de heroína. A ambiguidade da música contribui para o seu apelo duradouro, além do som cativante dela.

There she goes
There she goes again
Racing through my brain

And I just can't contain
This feeling that remains

There she goes
There she goes again
Pulsing through my vein

And I just can't contain
This feeling that remains

There she goes
There she goes again
She calls my name, pulls my train
No one else could heal my pain

And I just can't contain
This feelin' that remains

There she goes
There she goes again
Chasing down my lane

And I just can't contain
This feelin' that remains

There she goes (There she goes again)
There she goes (There she goes again)
There she goes (There she goes again)