Letra de
The Little Mermaid - Kiss The Girl

A música Kiss the Girl foi criada para o filme A Pequena Sereia da Disney em 1989. Ela é cantada pelo personagem Sebastião e é usada no filme em uma cena em que Sebastião tenta encorajar o Príncipe Eric a beijar Ariel. A canção é notável por sua influência calipso.

There you see her, sitting there across the way.
She don't got a lot to say but there's something,
about her.
And you don't know why,
But your dying to try
You wanna kiss the girl

Yes you want her, look at her you know you do.
Possible she wants you too, there is one way
to ask her.
It don't take a word, not a
single word go on and
kiss the girl

My oh my, look like the
boy to shy, ain't gonna,
kiss the girl
Ain't that sad, ain't it a
shame, too bad
he gonna miss the girl.

Nows your moment, floating in a blue lagoon.
Boy you better do it soon, no time will be better
She don't say a word and she won't say a word,
until you kiss the girl

Don't be scared you got the
mood prepared, go on and
kiss the girl
Don't stop now,
don't try to hide it how
you wanna kiss the girl.

Float along and listen
to the song, the song say
kiss the girl
Music play, do what
the music say
you gotta kiss the girl.

You’ve got to kiss the girl
Why don’t you kiss the girl
You gotta kiss the girl
Go on and kiss the girl