Letra de
Teenage Dirtbag

A música Teenage Dirtbag é um sucesso da banda Wheatus, lançada em 2000. A canção fala sobre um adolescente desajustado e seu amor não correspondido por uma garota popular da escola, inspirada em experiências pessoais do vocalista Brendan B. Brown. A música reflete temas de alienação e rebeldia da juventude, e tornou-se um hino para muitos jovens da época. Foi amplamente popular por sua narrativa relativa e abordagem humorística de questões séria ... s. Ver mais [+]

Her name is Noelle,
I have a dream about her.
She rings my bell.
I got gym class in half an hour.
Oh, how she rocks,
In keds and tube socks,
But she doesn't know who I am,
And she doesn't give a damn about me.

'Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby.
Yeah I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby.
Listen to Iron Maiden, baby, with me.

Her boyfriend's a dick
and he brings a gun to school,
And he'd simply kick
My ass if he knew the truth.
He lives on my block
And he drives an Iroc
But he doesn't know who I am,
And he doesn't give a damn about me.

'Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby.
Yeah I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby.
Listen to Iron Maiden, baby, with me.

Yeeah, -------- Dirtbag, ----------
No, she doesn't know what she's missing.
Yeeah, -------- Dirtbag, ----------
No, she doesn't know what she's missing.

Man, I feel like mould,
It's prom night and I am lonely.
Lo and behold:
She's walking over to me.
This must be fake,
My lip starts to shake.
How does she know who I am?
And why does she give a damn about?
I've got two tickets to Iron Maiden, baby,
Come with me Friday, don't say maybe.
I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby like you.

Yeeah, -------- Dirtbag, ----------
No, she doesn't know what she's missing.
Yeeah, -------- Dirtbag, ----------
No, she doesn't know what she's mis - sing.