Letra de
Tainted Love

A música Tainted Love foi originalmente composta por Ed Cobb, gravada por Gloria Jones em 1965. A canção ganhou destaque e popularidade com a versão coberta pelo duo Soft Cell em 1981, tornando-se um sucesso mundial. Essa versão sintetizada de Tainted Love combinou elementos do new wave e da música pop eletrônica, abordando temáticas de amor e desilusão. O desempenho vocal emotivo, complementado por arranjos eletrônicos minimalistas, tornou a can ... ção um marco dos anos 80. Ver mais [+]

Some-times, I feel, I've got to;
Run a-way, I've got to;
Get A-way,
From the pain you drive in-to the heart of me.
The love we share, seems to,
Go no-where.
And I've lost my light,
For I toss and turn; I can't sleep at night.

Once I ran to you, now I run from you,
This tainted love you've given,
I give you all a boy could give you.
Take my tears and that's not nearly
All, Tainted love, oh, oh, oh,
Tainted love.

Now I know, I've got to;
Run a-way, I've got to;
Get A-way.
You don't really want any more from me.
To make things right,
You need some-one to hold you tight.
And you think love is to pray,
But I'm sorry, I don't pray that way.

Once I ran to you, now I run from you,
This tainted love you've given,
I give you all a boy could give you.
Take my tears and that's not nearly
All, Tainted love, oh, oh, oh,
Tainted love.

Don't touch me, please,
I can not stand the way you tease.
I love you, though you hurt me so,
Now I'm going to pack my things and go.

Tainted love, oh, oh, oh,
Tainted love, oh, oh, oh.
Tainted love, oh, oh, oh,
Tainted love, oh, oh, oh.
Touch me, baby, tainted love,
Touch me, baby, tainted love.
Tainted love, oh, oh, oh,
Tainted love, oh, oh, oh.
(Repeat to Fade)