Letra Sweet Is The Melody

Sweet is the melody, so hard to come by.
It's so hard to make every note bend just right.
You lay down the hours and leave not one trace,
But a tune for the dancing is there in its place.
The dance floor's for gliding, not jumping over ponies,
Where boots and gold bracelets come and meet as they should.
It's for celebrating a Friday night romance,
Forgetting the bad stuff and just feeling good.
An arm's just an arm till it's wrapped around a shoulder.
Looped side by side they go stepping out together.
A note's just a note till you wake from your slumber
And dare to discover the new melody
Sweet is the melody, so hard to come by.
it's so hard to make every note bend just right.
You lay down the hours and leave not one trace,
But a tune for the dancing is there in its place.