Letra de

A música foi escrita por Christine McVie sobre o sentimento de completa felicidade que estar com a nova banda lhe proporcionou depois de se juntar ao Fleetwood Mac. A letra reflete a esperança de McVie em sua nova vida na Califórnia, após deixar para trás seus problemas na Inglaterra.

For you, there'll be no more crying,
For you, the sun will be shining,
And I feel that when I'm with you,
It's alright, I know it's right
To you, I'll give the world
To you, I'll never be cold
cause I feel that when I'm with you,
It's alright, I know it's right.
And the songbirds are singing,
Like they know the score,
And I love you, I love you, I love you,
Like never before.
And I wish you all the love in the world,
But most of all, I wish it from myself.
And the songbirds keep singing,
Like they know the score,
And I love you, I love you, I love you,
Like never before.
Like never before
Like never before