Letra Soldier

Not so long ago in a toy room not so far away
Lived a boy who had so many toys
And he didn't know what to do with them all
With them all, with them all
Well his favorite of all the toys were
Won't you look at the one-legged soldier
Let's stick him in a boat and send him far away
'Cause I can't find a use for a soldier
With a missing leg
And he was lonely, so lonely for a friend
And he was lonely, so lonely for a friend
As he floated past a river raft on his homemade boat
Well he had a ballerina and a one-legged soldier,
Stuck together at the base
And they share each other's destiny
As they sit on top of the mantel place
It's the story of the one-legged soldier
The story of the one-legged soldier
The story of the tim soldier with the missing leg