Letra de
Slow Burn

A música Slow Burn de Kacey Musgraves fala sobre tomar o seu tempo na vida, apreciando cada momento e abraçando o seu verdadeiro eu. É a faixa de abertura de seu álbum Golden Hour, que reflete uma fase de transformações pessoais e aceitação. Musgraves co-escreveu a música com Daniel Tashian e Ian Fitchuk, e é conhecida por seu som suave misturado com letras introspectivas.

Born in a hurry, always late
Haven't been early since '88
Texas is hot, I can be cold
Grandma cried when I pierced my nose
Good in a glass, good on green
Good when you're putting your hands all over me

I'm alright with a slow burn
Taking my time, let the world turn
I'm gonna do it my way, it'll be alright
If we burn it down and it takes all night
It's a slow burn, yeah

In Tennessee, the sun's goin' down
But in Beijing, they're heading out to work
You know the bar down the street don't close for an hour
We should take a walk and look at all the flowers

'Cause I'm alright with a slow burn
Taking my time, let the world turn
I'm gonna do it my way, it'll be alright
If we burn it down and it takes all night
It's a slow burn

ooh whatever feels good

Old soul, waiting my turn
I know a few things, but I still got a lot to learn
So I'm alright with a slow burn
slow burn
slow burn
mmm I'm alright with a slow burn