Letra de
Simple Man

A música Simple Man foi escrita por Gary Rossington e Ronnie Van Zant, membros da banda Lynyrd Skynyrd. A letra foi inspirada pelas mães de Rossington e Van Zant, oferecendo conselhos a seus filhos sobre como viver uma vida boa e significativa. A música foi lançada como parte do álbum de estreia da banda em 1973.

Well, Mama told me, when I was young.
Come sit beside me, my only son.
And listen closely, to what I say.
And if you do this, it'll help you, some sunny day.
Oh yeah!

Oh, take your time, don't live too fast.
Troubles will come, and they will pass.
Go find a woman, and you'll find love.
And don't forget son, there is someone up above.

And be a simple kind of man.
Oh, be something, you love and understand.
Baby, be a simple kind of man.
Oh, won't you do this for me son, if you can?

Forget your lust, for rich man's gold,
All that you need, is in your soul.
And you can do this, oh baby, if you try.
All that I want for you my son, is to be satisfied.

And be a simple kind of man.
Oh, be something, you love and understand.
Baby, be a simple kind of man.
Oh, won't you do this for me son, if you can?
Oh yes, I will.

Boy, don't you worry, you'll find yourself.
Follow your heart, and nothing else.
You can do this, oh baby, if you try.
All that I want for you my son, is to be satisfied.

And be a simple kind of man.
Oh, be something, you love and understand.
Baby, be a simple kind of man.
Oh, won't you do this for me son, if you can?
Baby, be a simple, be a simple man