Letra de
No Time To Die

A música No Time To Die foi escrita e performada por Billie Eilish para a trilha sonora do filme de James Bond de mesmo nome. A composição foi uma colaboração entre Billie Eilish e seu irmão Finneas OConnell. Na letra, há uma reflexão sobre traição e desilusão, aspectos recorrentes na franquia de filmes de James Bond. A canção foi bem recebida, entrando em diversas paradas musicais ao redor do mundo e ganhando um Oscar de Melhor Canção Original.

I should have known
I'd leave alone
Just goes to show
That the blood you bleed is just the blood you owe
We were a pair
But I saw you there
Too much to bear
You were my life, but life is far away from fair

Was I stupid to love you?
Was I reckless to help?
Was it obvious to everybody else?

That I'd fallen for a lie
You were never on my side
Fool me once, fool me twice
Are you death or paradise?
Now you'll never see me cry
There's just no time to die

I let it burn
You're no longer my concern
Faces from my past return
Another lesson yet to learn

That I'd fallen for a lie
You were never on my side
Fool me once, fool me twice
Are you death or paradise?
Now you'll never see me cry
There's just no time to die

No time to die, hmmmm
No time to die

Fool me once, fool me twice
Are you death or paradise?
Now you'll never see me cry
There's just no time to die