Waking up to your empty bed
And it was still warm where you?d slept
Just like the boy who said the bus sign wasn?t accurate
I Questioned everything you said
Still listened to every word of it
And I sat and watched the bin men
Empty all the bins and return them to the pavement
?Cause there was nothing else I could do
but wait for you
We still live on the same line
And you live in a doll house right near mine
The trucks still shake my bedroom walls
and you can hear the neighbours through yours
Their laughter is unbearable
And the stars all aligned
And the sky made way for the sunrise
but you were gone before it was light
Never admitting I was right
Thought you were happy for a while
When I was happy for a while
Sometimes I think, ?Is the more to life than talking politics??
Just sitting out the back trying to get by
I think that you're happier preparing for the empire to fall
And if god was one of us he?d probably be on the dole