Letra Mississippi Squirrel

When I was a kid we'd take a trip, every summer down to Mississip'
To visit my Grannie and my Aunt Bellum Whirl.
Well, I'd run barefoot all day long, climbing trees as free as a song
And then, one day I caught myself a squirrel.
Well, I stuffed him down in an ol' shoe box, an' punched a couple of holes
in the top
And when Sunday came along, I snuck him into church.
Well, I'us sittin' way back in the very last pew, a'showin him to my good
buddy Hugh
When that squirrel got loose and went totally bezerk!
What happened next is hard to tell, some thought it was heaven some
coveralls; and he jumped to his feet and said "Sumpn's got a hol' a
The day the squirrel went bezerk in the First Sub-Baptist Church,
In the sleepy little town of Pasquagulla.
It was a fight for survival, that turned up in revival
They were jumpin' pews and singing "Hallejulia".
Well, Harv hit the aisles a dancin' and a screamin'