Letra de
Merry Christmas Everyone

A música Merry Christmas Everyone foi escrita por Bob Heatlie e popularizada por Shakin Stevens. Lançada originalmente em 1985, tornou-se um dos maiores sucessos de Shakin Stevens e um clássico natalino no Reino Unido e em outros lugares. A música foi concebida para capturar o espírito festivo do Natal, evocando um cenário de alegria e celebração familiar.

Snow is falling, all around me
Children playing, having fun
It's the season,
love and understanding
Merry Christmas, everyone
Time for parties and celebration
People dancing, all night long
Time for presents
and exchanging kisses
Time for singing, Christmas songs

We're gonna have a party tonight
I'm gonna find that girl underneath the mistletoe
We'll kiss by candlelight

Room is swaying, records playing
All the old songs, we love to hear
Aaw I wish that every day was Christmas
What a nice way, to spend the year

We're gonna have a party tonight
I'm gonna find that girl underneath the mistletoe
We'll kiss by candlelight

Snow is falling, all around me
Children playing, having fun
It's the season,
love and understanding
Merry Christmas, everyone
Merry Christmas, everyone
Oooh merry Christmas, everyone
(Key Change - A)

Snow is falling, all around me
Children playing, having fun
It's the season,
love and understanding
Merry Christmas, everyone
Snow is falling, all around me
Children playing, having fun
It's the season,
love and understanding
Merry Christmas, everyone
Snow is falling, all around me
Children playing, having fun
It's the season,
love and understanding
Merry Christmas, everyone
Merry Christmas, everyone
Oooh merry Christmas, everyone
Ooohh ooohh ooohh oohh ooohh