Letra de
Livin On Love

A música Livin on Love, escrita e interpretada por Alan Jackson, celebra o amor simples e duradouro. Inspirada nas histórias amorosas de longa data, incluindo a de seus próprios pais, Jackson capta a essência de um amor que supera as dificuldades materiais e se mantém forte com o passar do tempo.

Two young people without a thing
Say some vows and spread their wings
And settle down to just what they need, livin' on love
She don't care 'bout what's in style
She just likes the way he smiles
It takes more than marble and tile, livin' on love

Livin' on love, buyin' on time
Without somebody nothin' ain't worth a dime
Just like an old fashioned story book rhyme, livin' on love
It sounds simple. That's what you're thinkin'
But love can walk through fire without blinkin'
It doesn't take much when you give enough, livin' on love

Two old people without a thing
Children gone but still they sing
Side by side in that front porch swing, livin' on love
He can't see anymore
She can barely sweep the floor
Hand in hand they'll walk though that door, livin' on love

Livin' on love, buyin' on time
Without somebody nothin' ain't worth a dime
Just like an old fashioned sory book rhyme, livin' on love
It sounds simple. That's what you're thinkin'
But love can walk through fire without blinkin'
It doesn't take much when you give enough, livin' on love
No, it doesn't take much when you give enough, livin' on love