The later i stay
Up the more i get
By on these broken
Car speakers that
The night
I guess when i sit
And think about it
It was all a game
We played a little
Different but the
Pieces were the same
You needed me to kiss
Your ass and maybe
Some money for gas i
Needed to feel like
At all like someone
Was there at all
and these old habits
I won't let them stick
I'm not coming around
we can't pretend it
Won't come up on
Us quick but here
It is crushing
these friendships
These friendships
Were nothing but
A bunch of blown
Smoke and two egos
That just broke
and pictures that
Were already burning
and maybe i kept
You around because
This city was too
Much to down alone
But now i know it's
Much better when we
Stop pretending
And there's no time
To sing along down
The river with the
Tracks at our back