Letra de

Lithium é uma música da banda Nirvana, escrita pelo vocalista e guitarrista Kurt Cobain. A música fala sobre um homem que recorre à religião para se livrar do pensamento suicida, mas reconhece que a religião, embora reconfortante, não é uma cura verdadeira para seus problemas. O título Lithium vem do uso de sais de lítio como uma droga estabilizadora do humor, usada para tratar o transtorno bipolar, aludindo às flutuações do estado de espírito do ... protagonista da música. Ver mais [+]

I'm so happy,
cause today I found my friends.
They're in my head. I'm so ugly,
but that's OK 'cause so are you.
We've broke our mirrors. Sunday morning
is every day for all I care.
And I'm not scared. Light my candles.
In a daze cause I've found God. Yea -ah

Yeah ye - aah - yeaa - - - ah yea -ah
Yeah yeaah - yeaa - - - ah yea -ah
Yeaah Yea- a - ah, yeaah - yeaa - - - ahhhhhhhhhhh

I'm so lonely.
That's OK, I shaved my head.
And I'm not sad, and just maybe
I'm to blame for all I've heard.
And I'm not sure. I'm so excited.
I can't wait to meet you there.
And I don't care. I'm so horny,
that's OK, my will is good. Yea - ah

Yeah ye - aah - yeaa - - - ah yea -ah
Yeah yeaah - yeaa - - - ah yea -ah
Yeaah Yea- a - ah, yeaah - yeaa - - - ah yeaaah!

I like it. I'm not gonna crack.
I miss you. I'm not gonna crack.
I love you. I'm not gonna crack.
I killed you. I'm not gonna crack.
I like it. I'm not gonna crack.
I miss you. I'm not gonna crack.
I love you. I'm not gonna crack.
I killed you. I'm not gonna craaaaaaaaaaack.

I'm so happy,
cause today I found my friends.
They're in my head. I'm so ugly,
but that's OK 'cause so are you.
We've broke our mirrors. Sunday morning
is every day for all I care.
And I'm not scared. Light my candles.
In a daze cause I've found God. Yea - ah

Yeah ye - aah - yeaa - - - ah yea - ah
Yeah yeaah - yeaa - - - ah yea - ah
Yeaah Yea- a - ah, yeaah - yeaa - - - ah yeaaah!

I like it. I'm not gonna crack.
I miss you. I'm not gonna crack.
I love you. I'm not gonna crack.
I killed you. I'm not gonna crack.
I like it. I'm not gonna crack.
I miss you. I'm not gonna crack.
I love you. I'm not gonna crack.
I killed you. I'm not gonna craaaaaaaaaaack.