Letra de
Lets get it on

A música Lets Get It On de Marvin Gaye foi criada em um período de mudança na vida do artista, refletindo uma maior liberdade artística e exploração da sexualidade. Lançada em 1973, a faixa foi um sucesso imediato, tornando-se um dos mais notáveis trabalhos de Gaye. A motivação para a criação dessa música veio de um desejo de Gaye de se expressar mais abertamente sobre questões de amor e relacionamentos, marcando um desvio das suas raízes no Moto ... wn Sound para temas mais maduros. Ver mais [+]

That gets a nice bass line in the 4th string (0,4,5,7) -- don't know if that's a
reason for dropping the 7ths (F#7 & A7) used in the other version and the Wendy Colonna

I've been really tryin , baby
Tryin to hold back this feeling for so long
And if you feel, like I feel baby, then
Come on, oh come on,

Let's get it on
Let's get it on
Let's get it on
Let's get it on

We're all sensitive people
With so much to give, understand me sugar
Since we got to be here
Lets say, I love you
There's nothin wrong with me Lovin you---
And givin yourself to me can never be wrong If the love is true

Don't you know how sweet and wonderful, life can be
I'm askin you baby, to get it on with me
I aint gonna worry, I aint gonna push
So come on, come on, come on, come on baby
Stop beatin round the bush (open chord, not barred)
Let's get it on
Let's get it on
Let's get it on
Let's get it on

I've been really tryin , baby
Tryin to hold back this feeling for so long
And if you feel, like I feel baby
Come on, oh come on,

Let's get it on
Let's get it on
Let's get it on
Let's get it on

Now We're all sensitive people
With so much to give, and understand each other
Since we got to be here
Lets say, I love you
And There's nothin wrong with me
Lovin you--- baby no no no
And givin yourself to me can never be wrong
If the love is true

Don't you know how sweet and wonderful, life can be
I'm askin you baby, to get it on with me
I aint gonna worry, I aint gonna push
So come on, come on, come on, come on come on darlin
Stop beatin round the bush (strumming,palm mute; guttural "hey ")

Let's get it on
Let's get it on
Let's get it on
Let's get it on

I aint gonna worry, I aint gonna push
So come on, come on, come on, come on come on darlin
Stop beatin round the bush (palm mute; guttural "hey ")
Let's get it on (repeat and fade out)