Letra de
Let It Go

A canção Let It Go, escrita e interpretada por James Bay, aborda temas de término de relacionamento e auto-reflexão. Bay explicou em várias entrevistas que a música foi inspirada por uma experiência pessoal com um relacionamento que não estava funcionando, apesar dos esforços de ambas as partes para fazer funcionar. A música apela para a ideia de libertação emocional e a importância de seguir em frente para ambas as partes envolvidas.

From walkin' home and talkin' loads
Seein' shows in evenin' clothes with you
From nervous touch and gettin' drunk
To stayin' up and wakin' up with you

And now we're slippin' at the edge
Holdin' somethin' we don't need
Oh, this delusion in our heads
Is gonna bring us to our knees

So come on let it gooooooooo
Just let it beeeeeeeeee
Why don't you be youuuuuuuu
And I'll be me
Everything's that's broooooke
Leave it to the breeeeeeeeze
Why don't you be youuuuuuuu
And I'll be me (pause)
And I'll be me

From throwin' clothes across the floor
To teeth and claws and slammin' doors at you
If this is all we're livin' for
Why are we doin' it, doin' it, doin' it anymore

I used to recognize myself
It's funny how reflections change
And we're becomin' somethin' else
I think it's time to walk away

So come on let it gooooooooo
Just let it beeeeeeeeee
Why don't you be youuuuuuuu
And I'll be me
Everything's that's broooooke
Leave it to the breeeeeeeeze
Why don't you be youuuuuuuu
And I'll be me (pause)
And I'll be me

Tryin' to fit your hand inside of mine
When we know it just don't belong
There's no force on earth
Could make me feel right, no
Tryin' to push this problem up the hill
When it's just too heavy to hold
Think now's the time to let it slide

So come on let it gooooooooo
Just let it beeeeeeeeee
Why don't you be youuuuuuuu
And I'll be me
Everything's that's broooooooke
Leave it to the breeeeeeeeeeeze
Let the ashes faaaaaaaaalllll
Forget about me
So come on let it gooooooooo
Just let it beeeeeeeeee
Why don't you be youuuuuuuu
And I'll be me (pause)
And I'll be me