Letra de
Last Thing On My Mind

A música The Last Thing on My Mind, composta por Tom Paxton, é uma clássica canção folk americana. Foi escrita no início dos anos 60 e reflete as tradições e preocupações sociais da época. Paxton, um dos cantores folk mais influentes, capturou sentimentos de arrependimento e despedida na letra, ressoando com a audiência por sua simplicidade e emoção profunda. Frequentemente interpretada por outros artistas, esta canção exemplifica a capacidade du ... radoura do folk de comunicar experiências humanas universais. Ver mais [+]

It's a lesson too late for the learnin',
made of sand, made of sand
In the wink of an eye my soul is turnin',
in your hand, in your hand.
Are you going away with no word of farewell,
will there be not a trace left behind?
Well, I could have loved you better,
didn't mean to be unkind;
you know that was the last thing on my mind.
You've got reasons a-plenty for goin',
this I know, this I know.
For the weeds have been steadily growin',
please don't go, please don't go.
Are you going away with no word of farewell,
will there be not a trace left behind?
Well, I could have loved you better,
didn't mean to be unkind;
you know that was the last thing on my mind.
As we walk on, my thoughts keep tumblin',
round and round, round and round
Underneath our feet the subways rumblin',
underground, underground
Are you going away with no word of farewell,
will there be not a trace left behind?
Well, I could have loved you better,
didn't mean to be unkind;
you know that was the last thing on my mind.
As I lie in my bed in the mornin',
without you, without you.
Every song in my breast lies a bornin',
without you, without you.
Are you going away with no word of farewell,
will there be not a trace left behind?
Well, I could have loved you better,
didn't mean to be unkind;
you know that was the last thing on my mind.
* Paxton used a capo in later performances