The mist is lift-ing slow-ly. I can see the way a-head.
And I've left be-hind the emp-ty streets,
that once in-spired my life.
And the strength of the e-mo-tion, is like thund-er in the air.
'Cause the pro-mise that we made each oth-er, haunts me to the end.
I know you're out there some-where, some-where, some-where.
I know you're out there some-where, and some-where you can hear my voice.
I know I'll find you some-how, some-how, some-how.
I know I'll find you some-how, and some-how I'll re-turn a-gain to you.
The se-cret of your beaut-y, and the mys-t'ry of your soul.
I've been search-ing for it in ev'ry-one I meet.
And the times I've mis-tak-en, it's im-pos-si-ble to say.
And the grass is grow-ing un-der-neath our feet.
(refrão 2)
You see, I know you're out there some-where.
Oh yes, I know you're out there some-where.
You see, I know I'll find you some-how.
Oh yes, I know I'll find you some-how.
The words that I re-mem-ber from my child-hood still are true.
That's there're are none so blind as those who will not see-e.
And to those who lack the cour-age,
and say it's dan-ger-ous to try.
Well, they just don't know that love e-ter-nal, will not be de-nied.
(refrão 3)
Yes, I know it's gon-na hap-pen. I can feel you get-ting near.
(know it's gon-na hap-pen.)
It seemed to be re-turn-ing to the foun-tain
of our youth.
And if you wake up won-der-ing. In the dark-ness
(If you wake up won-der-ing.)
I'll be there. My arms will close a-round you
(You know I'll be there.)
And pro-tect you with the truth.
(refrão 4)