Letra de
I Dont Know My Name

I Dont Know My Name é uma música escrita e interpretada por Grace VanderWaal, vencedora do Americas Got Talent de 2016. A música foi parte de sua audição no show e recebeu grande aclamação tanto dos juízes quanto do público. VanderWaal falou sobre como a canção reflete sua própria jornada de auto-descoberta e mudança durante os estágios iniciais da adolescência.

I don’t know my name
I don’t play by the rules of the game
So you say, I’m just trying
Just try ing
So I heard you are my sister’s friend
You get along quite nicely
You ask me why I cut my hair
And changed myself completely (slower)
I don’t know my name
I don’t play by the rules of the game
So you say, I’m just trying
Just try ing

I went from bland and popular to
Joining the marching band
I made the closest friends I'll ever
Have in my lifetime

I am lost
Trying to get found
In an ocean of
Please don't ask me any questions
There won't be a valid answer
I'll just say
I don’t know my name
I don’t play by the rules of the game
So you say, I’m just trying (a little faster)
Just try ing (faster and louder)
I now know my name
I don’t play by the rules of the game
So you say, I’m not trying
But I’m try ing
To find my way