Letra de
Hark The Glad Sound

Hark the glad sound! the Sav-iour comes
The Sav-iour prom-ised long
Let ev-ery heart pre-pare a throne
And ev-ery voice a song

He comes the prisoners to release
In Sa-tan's bon-dage held
The chains of sin be-fore Him break
The i-ron fe-tters yield

He comes to free the captive mind
Where e-vil thoughts con-trol
And for the dark-ness of the blind
Gives them light that makes them whole

He comes the broken heart to bind
The blee-ding soul to cure
And with the trea-sures of His grace
To bless the hum-ble poor

Our glad hosannas Prince of Peace
Thy wel-come shall pro-claim
And hea-ven's e-ter-nal ar-ches ring
With Thy be-lov-ed name