You get iced coffee every Tuesday from the corner shop
You drink it with your best friend in the park near my bus stop
All wrapped up in your phones, bathing in the sun listening to the Smiths
You cut your hair, it's shorter now but no one notices
Oh Gwen
Will you get over this?
Oh Gwen
Will you find your happiness?
And oh, oh I know
That you can do anything
So Gwen
Will you settle down?
You go out with your friends, do xans and molly at the club
Wear a tight dress and a fake smile, look like you're having fun
You flirt with everyone cause you know you won't see them again
Then come home around 3 and wash your face get into bed
Oh Gwen
Will you lay off the pills?
Oh Gwen
Will you wear what makes you comfortable?
And oh, oh I know
That you can do anything
So Gwen
Will you settle down?