Letra de
Dare You To Move

A música Dare You to Move, da Switchfoot, foi escrita por Jon Foreman e é sobre transição, perdão e a coragem para mover-se a frente das dificuldades da vida. Ela busca inspirar mudanças positivas em quem a escuta. A canção foi lançada originalmente no álbum Learning to Breathe de 2000 e ganhou grande popularidade quando foi relançada no álbum The Beautiful Letdown em 2003.

Welcome to the planet
Welcome to existence
Everyone's here
Everyone's here
Everybody's watching you
Everybody waits for you now
What happens next?
What happens next?

I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened before

Welcome to the fallout
Welcome to resistance
The tension is here
The tension is here
Between who you are and you could be
Between how it is and how it should be yeah

I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened

Maybe redemption has stories to tell
Maybe forgiveness is right where you fell
Where can you run to escape from yourself
Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna go?
Salvation is here

I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself, to your lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to mo - ove
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened
Today never happened
Today never happened before