Letra de
Dancing In The Moonlight

A música Dancing in the Moonlight foi escrita originalmente por Sherman Kelly em 1969, após uma experiência traumática de ser vítima de um ataque violento. Kelly compôs a música para expressar sua visão de um mundo onde as pessoas poderiam desfrutar de alegria e paz sem violência. A canção foi primeiramente gravada pela banda Boffalongo, ainda quando Kelly fazia parte dela. Mais tarde, em 1972, a banda King Harvest, da qual o irmão de Sherman, We ... lls Kelly, era integrante, gravou uma versão que se tornou um grande sucesso. Ver mais [+]

We get it on most every night… when that moon is big and bright
It’s a supernatural delight… everybody’s dancing in the moonlight

Everybody here is out of sight , they don’t bark and they don’t bite
They keep things loose they keep it tight, everybody’s dancing in the moonlight

Dancing in the moonlight, everybody’s feeling warm and bright
It’s such a fine and natural sight, everybody’s dancing in the moonlight

We like our fun and we never fight, you can't dance and stay uptight
It’s a supernatural delight, everybody was dancing in the moonlight

Dancing in the moonlight, everybody’s feeling warm and bright
It’s such a fine and natural sight, everybody’s dancing in the moonlight

Everybody here is out of sight , they don’t bark and they don’t bite
They keep things loose they keep things light, everybody’s dancing in the moonlight

Everybody's dancing in the moonlight, everybody’s feeling warm and bright
It’s such a fine and natural sight, everybody’s dancing in the moonlight
Everybody's dancing in the moonlight, everybody’s feeling warm and bright
It’s such a fine and natural sight, everybody’s dancing in the moonlight
Everybody's dancing in the moonlight, everybody’s feeling warm and bright
It’s such a fine and natural sight, everybody’s dancing in the moonlight
Everybody's dancing in the moonlight, everybody’s feeling warm and bright
It’s such a fine and natural sight, everybody’s dancing in the moonlight