Somebody told her that there was a place like heaven=20
Across the water on a seven-fortyseven=20
Yeah, we're living in a modern world.
And pretty soon she's really got the notion=20
Of flying out across the big blue ocean=20
Yeah, we're living in a modern world.
Talk is cheap on satellite=20
But all I get is static=20
Information, I'm still here=20
Re-dial on automatic.
Calling America (can't get a message through)=20
Calling America (that's what she said to do)=20
Calling America (that's where she has to be)=20
Calling America (she left a number for me)=20
Calling America.
But I'm just talking to a satellite=20
Yeah, we're living in a modern world.
She left a number I could call=20