Letra de
Brian Wilson

A música Brian Wilson foi escrita por Steven Page e Ed Robertson, membros da banda de rock canadense Barenaked Ladies. A canção faz referência a Brian Wilson, o principal compositor dos Beach Boys, conhecido por sua genialidade musical e por sua luta contra problemas mentais. A letra explora a empatia do compositor para com Wilson, com um narrador que se encontra deitado na cama em um estado depressivo, similar à condição de Brian Wilson em momen ... tos de sua vida. A música também faz alusão ao álbum Pet Sounds dos Beach Boys, considerado uma das maiores obras de Wilson. Ver mais [+]

Drove downtown in the rain, 9:30 on a Tuesday night
Just to check out the late night record shop
Call it impulsive, call it compulsive, call it insane
But when I'm surrounded I just can't stah-op
It's a matter of instinct, it's a matter of conditioning, a matter of fact
You can call me Pavlov's dog
Ring a bell and I'll salivate, well how'd you like that
Dr. Landy tell me you're not just a pedagogue, 'cause right now I'm

Lying in bed just like Brian Wilson did
Well I'm, lying in bed just like Brian Wilson did

Well I'm lying here, just staring at the ceiling tiles
And I'm thinking about, whoa what to think about
Just listening and relistening to smiley smile
And I'm wondering if this is some kind of creative drought, because I'm

Lying in bed just like Brian Wilson did
Well I'm, lying in bed just like Brian Wilson did

And if you wanna find me I'll be out in the sandbox
Just wondering where the hell all the love has gah-ah-ahn
Playing my guitar and building castles in the sun, whoa-whoa-oh-oh
And singing fun, fun, fun

Lying in bed just like Brian Wilson did
Well I'm, lying in bed just like Brian Wilson did

I had a dream that I was three hundred pounds
And though I was very heavy I floated 'til I couldn't see the ground
I floated 'til I couldn't see the ground
Somebody help me (I couldn't see the ground)
Somebody help me (I couldn't see the ground)
Somebody help meeeeee, because I'm

Lying in bed just like Brian Wilson did
Well I'm, lying in bed just like Brian Wilson did

Drove downtown in the ray-ee-ain, 9:30 on a Tuesday night
Just to check out the late night record shop (late night record shop)
Call it impulsive, call it compulsive, or call it insane (whoa-oh)
'Cause when I'm surrounded I just can't stah-ah-ah-p