Letra de
Between the bars

A música Between the Bars é uma das mais conhecidas de Elliott Smith, caracterizada por suas letras íntimas e sua melodia suave. Smith frequentemente explorava temas de depressão, solidão e desespero em suas músicas, e Between the Bars reflete esses temas, abordando o alcoolismo e a luta interna do cantor. A interpretação geral da música é que ela é uma personificação do álcool, falando diretamente com o ouvinte, prometendo consolo e esquecimento ... dos problemas. Ver mais [+]

Drink up, baby, stay up all night.
With the things you could do,
You won't but you might.
The potential you'll be,
That you'll never see,
The promises you'll only make.
Drink up with me now,
And forget all about
The pressure of days.
Do what I say,
And I'll make you okay,
And drive them away
The images stuck in your head

People you've been before
That you don't want around anymore -
That push and shove and won't bend to your will.
I'll keep them still.

Drink up, baby, look at the stars.
I'll kiss you again
Between the bars,
Where I'm seeing you there,
With your hands in the air,
Waiting to finally be caught.
Drink up one more time,
And I'll make you mine.
Keep you apart,
Deep in my heart,
Separate from the rest,
Where I like you the best,
And keep the things you forgot.

The people you've been before
That you don't want around anymore -
That push and shove and won't bend to your will.
I'll keep them still.
* There's a riff here It's pretty simple, and all the notes receive an even time. Just
listen to the record and you should be able to hear the rhythm.