Be a teenager some times is so boring
I wanna press to the future boton
This moment i just wanna be sleeping
Tomorrow i`ll maybe bad
After i´ll go out to my bed
But now i don`t know what i`m doing
All the problems in the world
And my girl problems to be worry
Save the amazon, stop to menstruate
Learn two languages even though I like them all
Don´t make my mother sad
Forget my ballet class, be a brazilian in Portugal
Be a fat girl, don`t have money,
Don`t like boys, really I liking them
Have future friends and be nice with them
Wanna buy a smartwatch, have to shave my legs
Wanna buy a gamer computer, i am follow center left
All this and some more
I forgot to mention that the school board is too slow
But now i`m going to play the sims 4
And never forget HAKUNA MATATA