Will You Love Me Tomorrow

A música Will You Love Me Tomorrow, escrita por Gerry Goffin (letra) e Carole King (música), foi originalmente gravada pelas Shirelles em 1960 e alcançou o topo das paradas nos Estados Unidos. A letra expressa a incerteza da narradora sobre se os sentimentos de seu amado permanecerão ou se sua promessa de amor é apenas momentânea. A canção tornou-se um clássico, sendo regravada por diversos artistas ao longo das décadas.

Tom: C


intermediário |||||
C                                                            Dm              G  
Tonight you're mine completely
C                                                                            G  
You give your love... so sweetly
     E7                                      Am  
Tonight, the light of love is in your eyes
F                                 G                    C  
But will you love me tomorrow?
C                                                    Dm         G  
Is this a lasting treasure
C                                                      G  
Or just a moment's pleasure?
  E7                              Am  
Can I believe the magic of your sighs?
F                                      G                      C  
Will you still love me tomorrow?
F                                                      Em  
Tonight with words unspoken
F                                                                    C  
You say that I'm the only one
F                                                      Em  
But will my heart be broken
                        Am                                      D7            F            G7  
When the night meets the morning sun?
C                                                         Dm              G  
I have to know... that your love
C                                                              G  
Is a love I can ... be sure of,
E7                                              Am  
So tell me now, and I won't ask again
F                                      G                      C  
Will you still love me tomorrow?
F                                      G                      C  
Will you still love me tomorrow?

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