Tom: A
A4 A A4 A A9/E E A9/E E
Bm7 F#m7 E4 E
A D9
You broke the night like the sun
A D9 F#m7 D9
And healed my heart with Your great love
A D9
Any trouble I couldn't bear
A9 D9 E4 E
You lifted me upon Your shoulders
A love that's stronger
A9 E
A love that covers sin
D9 Bm7/11
And takes the weight of the world
A4 A
I love You
A4 A A9/E E E4 E
All of my hope is in You
Bm7 F#m7
Jesus Christ, take my life
E4 E
Take all of me
A D9
You stand on mountaintops with me
A D9 F#m7/11 A9/D F#m7/11 D9
With You I walk through the valleys
A D9
You gave Your only son for me
A D9 E4 E
Your grace is all I rely on
A4 A E
I love You so
F#m7 D
And I give up my heart to say
A C#7/11
I need You so
F#m7 E D9
My e - very - thing
A9 E F#m7 D9