Tom: D
Ghere Emhappy, Dinside Bmhºme
Gme, Dtaxi, Ctips Bband
D Am
Had eight hours to kill before the show
First I though about heading up north of the bay
Cknew Bbhad D
D Am
Or at least a fancy car
But I ended up taking a "Taxi'
Cthat's Bbthis Dfar
Gten Emfrºnt
Dstºned Bmpain
Ghere Dsittin'
CSixteen BbParkside DLane C Bb D
E Bm
And a butler came and answered the door
He just shook his head when I asked for her
Ddºesn't Chere Eanymºre D C E
E Bm
That they were forwarding her letters to
I just took it and returned to the cabbie
Dºne Cfare Eyºu." D C E
EAnd Gcity
Afive Cstºne
Dbell Emailbºx
Dbuzzer Ehºme D C E C D
EAnd Gºpened
Aºld Cfriend
Dten Efºund
Dwatched Ebend
Asaid, B7Harry?
Haven't we E played this scene before??
I A said, "It's so good to E see you , Sue.
Dplay Cjust Emºre
{D}Play it out just once E more."
E Bm
I answered "It's not all it seem."
That's when she laughed and she said,
Dget Edreams."
D Ex2
Aasked F#mactress
Esaid C#melse."
And then I A asked her why she looked so E happy now
Dfinally Emyself."
E Abm E7 F#m D7 C E
E So we talked all through that afternoon
E ?Til all the words run out
E Bm
She said ?No, I work at night."
I said, ?We've gotten to damn good at leaving, Sue."
Cyºur Eright." D E D E
Aask F#mlºve
Or which E one of us started to cry.
Don't A ask me why she wouldn't take the E money that I left.
Danswered Elie. D C E C Bb D
Am D
And how the circle keeps rolling around
How I act as I'm facing the footlights
Cflying Bbfeet Dgrºund
Git's Emstºry
Djºurney Bmhell
Ghalf Dmight
Chalf Bbjust Dwell
Gºnly A7time Dtell
Any questions or comments [email protected]
Enjoy all...