Introdução: G7+
G7+4 G9+ G7+ G7+4 G7+
Sun - shine, been keeping me up for days
G7+4 G9+ G7+ G7+4 G7+
There is no night time, it's only a passing phase
G7+4 G9+ G7+ G7+4 G E
And I feel pret - ty, pretty enough for you
C/G D7/F# F Am
I felt so ugly before, I didn't know what to do
C/G D7/F# G*
Sometimes is all I feel up to now
C/G D7/F# G*
But it's not worth it to you 'cause you gotta get high somehow
C/G D7/F# G* E
Is it destruction that you require to feel
C/G D7/F# F Am
Like somebody wants you, someone that's more for real
C/G D7/F#
e ---------0-----0- -0---0-----0----- ----------------- ---2-2---2---2---
B ---------5------- -1---1----------- ----------------- ---0-1---1---0---
e ---------3-----3- ----------------- ---------3---3--- ---3-3-----3-3-3-
B ---------3-----3- ----------------- ---------0---0--- ---0-0-----0-0-0-
C/G D7/F#
e ----------------- -----------0----- ----------------- ---2-2---2---2---
B -5-------5-----\- -1---1----------- ----------------- ---0-1---1---0---
G G7
e ---------3-----3- -----3-----3-3-3- -1-----1-1---1--- -----1-----1-1-1-
B ---------0-----0- -----0-----0-0-0- -0-----0-0---0--- -----0-----0-0-0-
C/G D7 D D2 D D2 D D2
e -3-3-3-3-3-3-3--- -3-3-3---3---3-/- -5-5-5-5-5-5---5- ---5---5---5-5---
B -3-5-5-3-5-3-5--- -5-3-5---5---5-/- -8-8-8-8-8-7---5- ---7---5---7-5---
G* E
e -------10----10----10-10- -------10----10-------10- -------16----14-------12- -------------------------
B 7/12------------12------- -12-12----12-------12---- ----------0--------0----- ----15----13----12----\--
C/G D7/F# F Am
C/G D7/F# F Am
C/G D7/F# G*
Sunshine, been keeping me up for days
C/G D7/F# G*
There is no night time, only a passing phase
C/G D7/F# G* E
And I'll feel pretty, another hour or two
C/G D7/F# F Am
I felt so ugly before, I didn't know what to do
C/G D7/F# F Am
I felt so ugly before, I didn't know what to do
C/G D7/F# F Am
I felt so ugly before, I didn't know what to do
C/G D7/F# F Am
Ugly before