One Human Family God Has Made

Tom: G


          G                              Em  
One human family God has made,
Am7            D                            G  
and all for each to care.
          G                                         Em  
One world, to be the home of all.
Am7                         D                      G  
with all its wealth to share.
Am7                              D7                         Em  
One Christ, to manifest on earth
                                                        C      D7  
love?s ultimate des?ign.
          G                                              Em  
One Church to know the mystery
        Am7         D7                    G  
of broken bread and wine.
          G                                                    Em  
One race, one world ? yet torn apart,
Am7                      D                 G  
we spurn the way of love.
        G                                            Em  
But still ahead, the Christ leads on
Am7                            D                      G  
and calls his Church to move
Am7                         D7                                         Em  
from love of power to power of love,
                                                     C            D7  
to give the world to all ?
        G                                                 Em  
to trust the love that conquered death,
          Am7            D7      G  
outside the city wall.
          G                              Em  
And are we brave enough to join
Am7                                 D                 G  
with that great company ?
          G                                              Em  
the cost not less than all we have
Am7                    D                 G  
and are or hope to be ?
Am7                                    D7  
the bitter cup of human sin
Em                                                    C              D7  
to drink with him who died,
          G                                 Em  
and take his love outside the wall to
  Am7         D7      G  
all the crucified?
                G                                            Em  
Claim him who claims us for his own,
Am7                         D                    G  
to share his pain and grief,
        G                                                 Em  
to bear the scars that stamp us his ?
        Am7                 D      G  
the hallmark of belief.
Am7                                         D7  
As partners of the living Christ,
  Em                                                    C              D7  
who risk the path he trod,
             G                                            Em  
with wondering love we find we share
          Am7            D7              G  
the timeless joy of God.