Tom: D
D G9 D/F# G A
Holy Spirit living Breath of God
D/F# G G/B A/C# D GA
Breathe new life in-to my willing soul
D G9 D/F# GA
Bring the presence of the ri -- sen Lord
D/F# G G/B A/C# D
To re-new my heart and make me whole
Cause Your Word to come a-live in me
G/B A/C# D Em7A7/4 A7
Give me faith for what I cannot see
G7+ D/F# GA
Give me passion for Your pu--ri--ty
D/F# G G/B A/C# D
Holy Spirit breathe new life in me
D G9
Holy Spirit come a-bide with-in
D/F# G G/B A/C# D GA
MayYourjoybeseeninall Ido
D G9 D/F# GA
Love e-nough to cover ev--ry sin
D/F# G G/B
In each thought and deed
A/C# D
and at-ti-tude
Kindness to the greatest and the least
G/B A/C# D Em7A7/4 A7
Gen--tle--ness that sows the path of peace
G7+ D/F# GA
Turn my strivings into works of grace
D/F# G G/B A/C# D
Breath of God, show Christ in all I do
D G9 D/F# GA
Holy Spirit from cre- a-tion's birth
D/F# G G/B A/C# D GA
Giving life to all that God has made
D G9 D/F# GA
Show Your power once a-gain on earth
D/F# G G/B A/C# D
Cause Your church to hunger for your ways
Let the fragrance of our prayers a-rise
G/B A/C# D Em7A7/4 A7
Lead us on the road of sac-ri-fice
G7+ D/F# GA
That in unity the face of Christ
D/F# G G/B A/C# D
Will be clear for all the world to see