Heil To The Cheat

Tom: G

Introdução: Em    D    C    G    Em    Am    G    

muito fácil |||||
Em                      D                              C                 G  
Sellin' oil by the body bag
Em                         Am                         G  
How many lives a gallon'
Em                      D                              C                      G  
Bush, why won't you leave Iraq
Em                                    Am                                            G  
Can't you see the plan is failin''
Em                                    D                                      C                      G  
Remember bin Laden' He killed Americans
Em            Am                              G  
From New York to D.C.
Em              D                              C              G  
His kidneys need dialysis
Em                    Am                                      G  
Gettin' him should be easy
Em      D                                    C                                      G  
Now just about five years gone by
Em                         Am                                 G  
And he's still on the lam
Em              D                                                            C                                                            G  
Cause Bush, you told the troops forget about him
Em                                    Am                      G  
Now, let's focus on Saddam
Em                              C      Em                                                 C  
The U.N. said no, oh Bush please don't go
Em                                    Am                                         G  
Think about the innocent Iraqis
Em                                              C            Em                                                    C  
You said I gotta go, and let the oil flow
Em                                         Am                                      G  
Besides, he tried to kill my daddy
Em                                    D                                      C                         G  
Terrorists hate us cause we have freedom
Em                 Am                                         G  
Isn't that what you said'
Em                      D                                         C                            G  
Well then you must be a terrorist
Em                                    Am                                              G  
Because the bill of rights is dead
Em              D                                      C                      G  
Terrorists declared war on us
Em                                    Am                                            G  
Our fallen shall always be remembered
Em                                    D                         C                                    G  
I need more power so I can fight them
Em                                    Am                                            G  
Dubya, looks like you just surrendered
Em                         D                                                 C                         G  
Thanks to terrorists we lost our rights
Em              Am                                    G  
Their mission was achieved
Em                                    D                 C                                      G  
Red states rallied around you, King George
Em                         Am                                                         G  
While us blue states sat and grieved
Em                         C                            Em                                                         C  
Un-united States, yeah they're not so great
Em                         Am                    C  
Another nail in the casket
Em                    C            Em                    C  
Theocracy, aristocracy
Em                                      Am                      G  
From what was once democratic
E                                      D                         E                              D  
Mothers and fathers, sons and daughters,
E                                      D                                            Em              G  
All cannon fodder for this war machine
Em                                    D                                      C                 G  
Don't like gay marriage' That's OK
          Em                                                            Am                      G  
But you don't need to change the constitution
Em                      D                                                    C                            G  
Founding fathers spinning in their graves
Em                         Am                                              G  
When they heard of that solution
Em                                         D                                 C                            G  
Don't try and force your religion on me
Em                                                                 Am                                    G  
Do that and you're no better than Osama
Em                                         D                                 C                                      G  
Now there's a young man on the front lines
                                          Em                                            Am                                                 G  
Can't find his leg and he's crying for his momma
Em                      D                                                    C                            G  
You went AWOL, snorted coke, drove drunk,
                        Em                                    Am                                 G  
You're incompetent, do you understand
Em                                    D                                      C                            G  
You're not good enough to rule the world
                          Em                                                            Am                                                 G  
But you tried and now there's blood on your hands
Em                                    C                 Em                                    C  
You shoulda lost, shoulda been tossed
Em                    Am                              G  
But you rigged the election
Em                                              C                 Em                                 C  
You wanna do it again, you should understand
Em                                                         Am                                    G  
There's gonna be a blue state secession