Tom: A
Fm C#
The clock ticks by too fast this time
Eb Bbm
Not a moment to be lost
Fm C# Eb Bbm
A sack of books around me And it looks like it's the day
Fm C# Eb Bbm
Finals are coming and we all must try our best
Fm Eb Bb
But I've given up I'll just swing that test
Eb C#
No fun today, no fun at all no more talking on the telephone
read this, write that and learn it all
Can't learn it all
G# Eb
Fuck it all, fuck it all
Fm C#
Can't study this anymore
G# Eb
Fuck it all, fuck it all
Fm C#
All my classes are a bore
G# Eb
I don't care
Fm C#
If I fail this test
Cm B C#
Let my mom rage on... , My grades never bothered me anywa
G# Eb)
G# Eb
Fuck it all fuck it all
Fm C#
Don't give a shit anymore
G# Eb
Fuck it all fuck it all
Fm C#
Flip that table screw you all
G# Eb Fm C# Dm
i don't take this bullshit anymore
I don't give a fuck!
My grades never bothered me anyway