Fairest Lord Jesus, Lord Of All Creation
Cm Ab
Jesus Of God And Man
You will I cherish, you will I honour
Cm Ab
You are my soul&rsquo s delight and crown
Fair are the meadows, fair are the woods
Cm Ab
Robed in the blooms of spring
Jesus is fairer, Jesus is purer
Cm Ab Bb
He makes the saddest heart to sing
Fair are the flowers, fair are the children
Beautiful in all their youth
Yet is their beauty, fading and fleeting
Cm Ab
Lord Jesus yours will never fade
Fair is the moonlight, fairer still the sunshine
Cm Ab
Fair is the starry sky
My Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines clearer
Cm Ab
Than all the heavenly host on high
All fairest beauty, heavenly and earthly
Cm Ab
Jesus, in you is found
None can be nearer, fairer or dearer
Cm Ab
Than you my Saviour to me bound
Bb Ab Bb Cm
I vow to you, my Saviour
Bb Ab Bb Cm
That where your feet have trod
Bb Ab Bb Cm
I will serve and always follow you
Bb Ab Bb Cm
My Jesus, my God
Bb Ab Bb Cm
I vow to you, my Saviour
Bb Ab Bb Cm
That where your feet have trod
Bb Ab Bb Cm
I will serve and always follow you
Bb Ab Bb Cm
My Jesus, my God