Tom: G
Introdução: A Bm D F# G G7+ G
Verse 1
G Am D G D
Billy's lady told him-let this be understood
G Am D
somethin' better happen soon cause things don't
G F#Em C F#
look to good---tired of savin' pennies-tryin' to
D C G Am
make ends meet-come next Monday afternoon-we're
gonna be out in the street
Verse 2
G Am D G D
Billy thought it over-he said with a smile
G Am D G F#
everythings gonna be allright-just a little while
Em C F# D C
gotta get down to it-pack my things and go
G Am D G E7
he put on his tennis shoes-walked out into the snow.
A Bm E
Oh Billy Tyler do you remember what you said
A Bm
does your conscience get you when your lyin'
in your bed. Does it make you sorry for the
things that you've done -do you feel repentance
A Bm
on the tip of your tongue-did you have to grab
D F# G G7+
your things and ru---n
Verse 3
G Am D G D
She received a postcard-sad for her that way
G Am D G F#
said I found myself a job-here at whitesand bay
Em C F# D C
sendin' you some money-so that you can eat
G Am D
everythings gonna be allright-soon be back on
G E7
my feet
G G7+ G G7+